Friday, August 19, 2011

Impact of the Palouse Lentil Festival

I'm all for community activities. I quite enjoy going to Lakefair and the Thurston County Fair. The upside to these events is the fact that theyre accompanied by plenty of parking. I woudnt have a beef with the Lentil Festival in Pullman except for the fact that it closes down the two major streets with free parking around my coffee shop and attracts every single non-student who inevitable fill up the pub and/or make it almost impossible to get into my coffee shop.

I had planned to pop round for a nice relaxing manhattan and do some writing, instead i've secluded myself in the DG (Daily Grind) where i'm deafened by the raucous whir and grind of blenders (because heaven forbid people drink anything besides a terrible ice cream blended monstrosity q.q)

I'm vaguely worried I'm going to break down and end up watching Princess Diaries 2 on youtube instead of getting anything actually accomplished.


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