Monday, August 1, 2011

HEY HEY Look at me!

Look at me I went running! Ok, walk/jogging, but the point is today is monday and I dragged my tired, still!sore (went riding on Friday for the first time in like a bazillion yrs talk about OUCH this weekend, god I'm out of shape) ass out of the house and hit the road in my running shoes. Clocked 3.2km (or about 2 miles) averaging the epically slow pace of 6km/hr lols. Still I am proud of myself.

Tomorrow I plan to do an easy 30min walk and 15min of weight lifting.

I also bought some fresh fruits and veggies and a couple Odwalla bars to help scale back the amount of frozen burrito meals I've been having. Baby steps are still steps.

I'm tentatively planning to run a 5k in Spokane either end of September (hah! yeah I dont feel too confident about being ready in 7 weeks but we'll see) or middle of October (more likely though harder to find a close enough race). My goal this fall is to get my butt trained up so I can enroll in either a beginner sport class (like Futball) or weight lifting class at the UREC during spring semester and do a series of longer fun races throughtout the winter/spring (tentatively, I'd like to run a City Half Marathon next summer. I think that's feasible, maybe even a full marathon next Fall if I stay focused? We'll see.)

I've got a good idea what I want to get as a tattoo (a Sapphic fragment in the original Greek if I can find scans of the original papyrus or pot shards) but I've told myself I'm not allowed to get it until I run a 1/2 marathon (If I run a full marathon I'm going to get my motorcycle endorsement :D Yes I have to shamelessly motivate myself like that).

In writing news... well there really hasn't been any writing since my last post (what ten days ago? WOOPS). I wrote about 85 words last week. I've been rather discouraged though after talking to Meagan about why I'm discouraged I feel... not necessarily motivated but like I should suck up my insecurities anyways and get back to work.

I've been distracting myself from writing by tentatively working on my first Fanvid for Whedonland over on LJ >.> IDEK It's fun and diverting.

I'll leave you with some Editors


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