Sunday, July 3, 2011

Proof of writing goals

2077 / 85000 words. 2%

From yesterday. I havent been able to meet a 1500/day goal so I scaled it back to 1000/day which has actually been fairly doable the last couple days. It's just a process of take a little time away and saying ok going to do this until I write X number of words and not allowed to do anything else until that goal is reached. About 40% of yesterday's words were, for example, written while I was stuck in the bathroom letting my hair colour develop lol

Am slowly learning to appreciate the writing in pieces tendency. I have three distinct scenes from three different sections already written out. One is in the wrong person and is actual from 2 months ago and may therefore get completely axed (its not included in my running word count for that reason) another is a very rough sketch of a very late scene during the climax which I original intended to be chapter one but don't feel strongly enough to place there. And currently I'm working on something that feels more like the latter half of chapter one rather than the actual beginning. I need an opener, a real grabby exciting incident to lead with and either make a leap forward in time (ie 12 Hours Later, that sort of thing) or make a leap back in time (like 5 Day Ago). I just havent zeroed in on what that should be yet. I have determined to just forge ahead with what I have at the moment, a case and a bit of misdirection building to the main plot, and see what comes to me.

Friend Katie is having her graduation celebration today, very exciting. Huge shout out to her for being absolutely awesome. I'm so happy for her, that's she done and all mastered up XD


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