Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On the running trail.

There is something extremely excapist about running. I can do it, and for half an hour I don't have to think about work or school or doing homework or when I'll find the time to sleep and get everything done in between. All I have to think about it, are my shoulders relaxed? How is my pace? How far? How many repeats left?

Later in the day (since I usually try to run before noon) I often find myself stuck at a table drinking coffee working on homework and wishing that I hadn't eaten in the last hour because I'd rather be out there hitting the road or biking or something, anything, just get me out of this tarea hell. (what's the spanish word for hell?)

The pace is steady all this week, 5run/1walk (5x). Not too difficult.

34 hrs at work next week THANK GOD. I'm just about out of money. If my parents hadn't insisted that they pay for half my gas I would not have been able to cover my credit card bill this month. I just haven't worked enough to cover that and my car payment. Yikes. Payday tomorrow though, yay!

And of course, by no money, I mean no money I allow myself to touch. It doesn't include investing money and tips but I'd really prefer not to dip into those. You know.

I have one final left tonight and then I'm finished with SPSCC summer quarter. The relief is almost palpable. I feel fairly confident that I will pull As in all my classes but there is always the potential that if I get a B or something on this spanish final it will pull my grade down. I don't really think so but it's better not to be cocky. I think if this wasn't summer, if we had had 3 more weeks with the material and therefore about an extra week practicing chapter 4 (which introduces all the irregular verbs) I would feel more confident but I just haven't worked with these words as much, it's harder to keep all their meanings straight in my head.

I always find myself updating at work. It's a good place to camp out and study for an hour before allowing my mind to wander. It's amazing, I'm marking my one year anniversary working here along with michelle and claire. Michelle calls it our birthday. Pretty amazing I've stayed here a whole year when I could only stomach two months at my last job.

So, over an hour writing in a blue exam book for teen films has decimated my thumb, ta for now.


  1. I'm impressed that you are carving money to invest out of your earnings, with all the obligations you have. And more impressed that you are sticking to it. What are you investing IN?

  2. I used to be a runner. I miss it, but haven't been able to get back into the routine since I became a mom.

  3. it's tough. i missed a couple days the end of last week and i'm dragging my feet a little each day getting back to my routine but it's so worth it.
