Saturday, August 1, 2009


Began classes at Evergreen today. I'm just dropping in for Second Session this summer as a way to further get a jump start on my Jr/Sr yr. I'm taking a program titled "History According To Film" very exciting and I was astonished to see it in the catalog (I helped engineer a similar seminar for my senior year in high school. admittedly, I was also the only one to follow through at the time with our individual research projects but I think that only typifies my personal brand of nerd ;))

9am-5pm, for four weekends is quite intensive but I don't think it will be too difficult as long as I keep up with all the readings and remember to bring more than one water bottle with me to class (I couldn't find a single drinking fountain in the Seminar bldg >_<)

Today we watched Reds, the Warren Beatty film about John Reed. Very interesting, very pretty picture if a glossy semi-fictionalized spin on the man's life. I did find myself moved by Jack Nicholson's portrayal of O'Neill, in fact, I found myself most identifying with the ironic cynicism of his character altogether. One of these days I will get hands on a collection of his plays and read them. when I have more time.

Decided to begin work on a YA fantasy short story. It's an old plot idea with even older characters but condensed (theoretically) into a mere 5,000 words. It's currently at an opening of 175 so we'll see where it goes. 

They are playing Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark tonight in the park where I'm meeting up with a couple friends. I'm very excited. It shall not only be an opportunity to collectively drool over HF, but also a break from so much historical realism. 

This is my brain.

This is my brain shutting off.



  1. Yay! You're writing again. Specifically referring to the YA short here, but the blogging's good too. Still want to see what you did on that script for script frenzy.

  2. haha, not much unfortunately but I'll see about converting it to a Word doc and sending it to you.

    When I hit about the end of Act I in the YA short would you mind reading it over? (about 1000-1200 words) I'm not sure how busy you are this month prepping for school to start but if you've got some boredtime?
