Monday, April 2, 2012

Long time gone...

Hello all and sundry, I realize it's been ages since I've posted. Life's been busy (ish) and mostly uninspired. Ive done very little writing since the end of January unfortunately (two months and maybe 2k max it's terrible) and havent felt very creative. Mostly this is down to stress, more stress, personal stress, terrible class choices in school and my propensity to avoid stress by ignoring it.

April is Script Frenzy month so if you are at all intrigued by the idea of writing a screenplay in a month check it out. I kind of want to do it though I dont have a lot of practice writing scripts so we'll see what happens.

The primary purpose of this post is to link you all to a meme I'm doing this year, it is 365 Movies in a Year. I've got a late start and Im not sure I'll manage a whole 365 movies but I do plan on keeping a record of the films (no tv alas) I watch and at the very least starring them. Might even do a bit of review, thoughts, analysis with the ones that strike up a chord. So the document for that is here and a more permanent sticky post here at the blog will probably be forthcoming if I get bored and want to jazz it up lol

That's all for now, hopefully I'll have some script frenzy news to post soon ;)



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