Monday, September 12, 2011

It's been quiet here and I don't have much to report. School has been taking up most of my energy. I feel like all I do is read and write notes, and the result is I have zero creative energy left to write. I think I scribbled about 50 words of Amelia yesterday in the theatre waiting for Warrior to start (excellent film btw, worth seeing especially if you're at all a Tom Hardy fan which, really, who isn't? The man's body of work is stunning).

I have been knitting quite vigorously as a means to relax (knitting and watching film after film after film). I'm about 80-85% finished with the cardigan I began working on back in, hm, March? I hope to finish it possibly this week, then I have to start working on a hat for the BiL's birthday. I'll post some pics when the cardi is finished. It will mark my first successful ready-to-wear garment I've finished for an adult that wasn't completely hideous and/or lopsided. /knock on wood/

The only other news to report is my crippling new Avengers obsession. Tony Stark and his emotional damage is just fascinating. Thor is out on DVD tomorrow. \o/


  1. How does your Avengers obsession cripple you, exactly? I have a hard time picturing that. Now WOW, I can see THAT as a crippling agent. But Avengers?

  2. @MrsOH crippling in that I've spent more time researching the history of Iron Man and psycho-analysing Tony Stark as a character, particularly in relation with Leto Atriedes II, than I've spent doing my reading for class. And i'm desperately trying to keep myself from giving in and buying the Dark Reign and Seige collections because I know if I do it WONT STOP and suddenly I'll find myself owning like 200 comics tangentially related to the Civil War crossover and.... just badness >.>
