Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So I ran out of steam. I don't think I've effectively written anything on Amelia in about a week. I read thru the 1800 words I had yesterday and made a few corrections and now I'm sitting here sipping my coffee and thinking Damnit Kellianne, what happens next??

I have the whole general plot written up, that's never been a problem with my writing process. The hard part is figuring out the details. The tiny things that happen in between the big events.

I was hopeful that I would be able to give a good showing for Camp Nanowrimo but that is definitely NOT going to happen now. I only have 2 weeks left and I know there's no way I'll manage to write 48K in that period of time. Perhaps I can give myself a slightly smaller goal, however, say 23K more and finish with 25K give or take? Thats a little under 1/3 of the total length I need for this story but I think it works out to 1.6K a day word count. Hard but if I refuse to let myself be a lazy sod doable right? And that's the whole part of my participation in Camp in the first place, to set myself a goal and get into a habit.

Here's an excerpt from How Amelia etc Retired With all the Money:

“Aren’t you supposed to be James Bond?” He glared at her balefully, “Oh, come on, it’s America! You speak four other languages fluently, what is the problem? Every thing’s still in English, more or less.”

“Glottal stops Commons.”

“Get off the bloody apostrophes and come on. The quicker we get to work the sooner you get back to lovely old England and I...”

If she were completely honest, Amelia wasn’t actually sure where she’d be getting back to after this mission, after her understanding with the international police was finished. And now wasn’t the time to be distracted with an uncertain future. She flipped John the bird when he raised a pointed eyebrow and stepped into the airport crosswalk without looking. She could see a line of bright yellow and green taxis one block away.

She wasn’t prepared for the screech of tires, the shouting, that came next.


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