I have 3 days left at SPSCC, 1 written final, 1 spanish final, and 1 powerpoint presentation for art class. But I feel fairly good about all of these things, semi- prepared. Tomorrow and tuesday I'll be hitting the spanish book pretty hard but otherwise I think they shall end up alright. I just need to power through all this and then snag as many hours at work as possible.
No writing or really, anything creative, accomplished this week. I do really want to work on a short Final Girl Horror script though, end of this month and september. I also looked at some prices for minidv camcorders but the cheapest "good" one I could find was still around $200 and I'm almost positive it's the same or 1 model upgrade to my sister's camcorder, though how that happens I blame on freaky genetics.
As ever, film remains the great elusive mistress.
Heh heh. You're still "on track" for running? :)