Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A page out of my book

An average 'outlining' page from my notebook. Shows the breakdown of three sections, basic beat for each section, and detailed list of possibilities for a specific beat.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Because I am heartsick

Regarding the recent blogposts concerning drinking and rape -

"Jessica Wakeman at The Frisky 'bravely' ventured that maybe us laydeez really do need lecturing about 'how taking more drugs or drinking more booze than you can handle is stupid.'"
(Quote taken from feministe, read the full article here: http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2011/12/16/girl-on-girl-victim-blaming-action-or-the-most-terrible-time-of-the-year/ )

First and foremost this statement is wrong because it is still VICTIM BLAMING.

Would you ever tell a man not to drink because it leaves him vulnerable to being raped? No? Because you do not define his existence as a human being as an object to be raped.This double standard that requires women to be constantly vigilant, putting the responsiblity and the blame on their shoulders, not only continues to perpetuate the victim-blame-game but highlights what is WRONG with socialized standards of thought.

By existing a woman is not asking to be raped. That's a choice on the part of the rapists. Rape happens because rapists rape, there is no consent involved, the rapist is not interested in consent. That anyone is going to disparage a victim because they werent able to fight back in a situation where THEY NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAD TO FIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE, is deplorable.

And here's the point, women shouldn't have to be constantly vigilant. We shouldn't have to live in fear of being raped and assaulted and used. We shouldn't have to curb our behavior anymore than any man has to. We only have to be wary and fearful and constantly on our guard because there is something BROKEN and wrong with male patterns of thought; with this insidious, persistent idea that a woman by the simple act of breathing, is first and foremost, something to be fucked.

You want to know why chivalry is bullshit? There shouldn't be a need for protection in the first place.

This is not consent - June Jordan

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Recapping november

Recapping november and writing since the end of NaNoWriMo....

Well, I hit 12k for my nano novel. Not great but it's still a pretty significant amount of writing to accomplish (for me). It averages out to like 4k/week but really I think I was doing more like 7k/week for the last two weeks which is not too shabby.

Since then I've been giving myself a tiny brain break by writing a fairly serious take on a crack Inception Kink Meme prompt. It's good. I started it about two weeks ago and have a little over 8k written. Not too shabby at all considering it was the last week of instruction + dead week (ie study for finals week) + FINALS this week. Am going to try to write 1.2k on it today and hit around the 9.5k mark if everything goes according to plan. I'm confident the entire fill should reach 15k possibly 17k. After that I need to write a couple short fills for Angst_Bingo since I REALLY want to write a blackout for that this round and April is the deadline (I think that means 25 fills at a minimum of 500 words/fill but knowing me they'll all be closet to 700-1500/fill)

Am looking at possibly being expelled from school. I'm basically 100% certain I'm going to fail one of my classes and theres a cap on how many classes you can drop in the course of your ENTIRE academic career which I used up last yr. What kind of policy is that? Ugh. So I'm going to get an F and I'm feeling pretty worried that this will lower by gpa too much. In the event of possibly expulsion though my plan is to finish my AA via online classes with SPS and get a job and save up enough money to go to film school.