Friday, July 31, 2009

The Writing Bug

School is in full swing, I feel continually cramped for time, hurrying from one pile of homework assignments to the next. Even in this crazy rush I continue to try to fit in periodic bursts of creativity. Right at the moment I'm taking a break from all the sketching I did during July to stretch out my poetic muscles. 

It all started while I was digging through a few older document files on my laptop and ran across a poem a wrote back in 2008 (probably the only thing I wrote all that year that wasn't related to school) and I started revising it a little, tightening up the imagery and language and I felt inspired to hammer out a few other verses. Nothing too brilliant but I've always found poetry a good way to get frustrations and feelings and vaguely intangible ideas out on paper.

With all my school I've had to cut back my hours at work which comes just at an invonveniant time (I just purchased a $13000 Jeep Wrangler which I'm trying to pay off in 2 years @ $500/month) so I've been wracking my brain for ways to make a little extra income each month. I won't make anything with poetry or my art but at least I feel like I'm working, being semi-prolific and sharpening my craft. I think I make work up the courage to even submit a few pieces of work to some small-press publishers, just see if I get any kind of response. It's not really the economy for it but one must always try.

I've been thinking about getting a tattoo, something motto-like. I like the phrase "Audentis fortuna iuvat" from Virgil. but first I feel like I really should make it my motto in practice before I put it on my skin.

I'll post photos of my latest knitting project soon. (baby cardigan for my sister) I'm having issue with the sleeve seams, I followed the directions in the book and seriously regret not doing it my own way instead but my sister says it looks darling so I suppose it is all right so long as she's happy.