Saturday, October 29, 2011

What will I be writing....

So we've got just a couple more days until NaNoWriMo which is pretty exciting. I havent actually got anything of what I MEANT to have finished by now finished (I only wrote about 10k of my planned 85K woops?) and I have two papers to finish for school due within the first week of November AND I have angst_bingo which I have yet to really set started on but this just means I have lots of reasons to give myself a swift kick in the arse.

This year my plan is to write The Victor/Ayn Marriage for nano. This story grew out of a bit of misanthropy, general dislike of the modern hypocrisy concerning marriage & sexuality, and a rather strong dislike of the soupy RomCom genre. The title is meant to be a riff on The Victorian Marriage.

"In a time and a society enthralled by the RomCom, this is the story of how an emotionally absent artist and a self-imposed asexual lawyer navigate a marriage of convenience in the modern world, defying the mainstream hypocrisy 'romance,' and rewrite the stereotypical notions of companionship and commitment."

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Angst_Bingo card & ramblings

Round 3 of angst_bingo has started over on LJ. We've got a week until Nanowrimo which means I probably should not have signed up but what can I say? I'm a masochist. I really love bingos and I also think that the challenge will be good for me (even though last time I only finished 3 stories -.-)

My card tended to skew towards physical ailment prompts this round which is NOT my angst preference or strength so completing a blackout will, I think, be somewhat difficult but here it is:

Physical imperfections
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Inanimate objects
Child abuse
Murder (attempted or successful)
Getting physical
Marriage (arranged or otherwise)
Sensory deprivation
Chance encounters

I've got a few vague ideas to fill 'Aging' and 'Chance Encounters' with Inception, 'Nausea' 'Telepathy' 'Disabled' 'Pregnancy' and 'Sensory Deprivation' with XMFC but that feels like... idk a cop-out? Too easy/too obvious. I'm following so many different fandoms atm it's a bit of a clutter in my head.

Since this coincides with nano, I think I might do a few original fills, particularly 'Marriage' since that fits nicely with the nano story I intend to write.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Knitting Update

So I've been knitting and watching NCIS instead of writing lately (that will of course change when NaNoWriMo goes live in a couple weeks) and I've finally opened a small Etsy store in an attempt to sell some of the stuff I've been making.


More stuff to come as I finish it.