Round 3 of
angst_bingo has started over on LJ. We've got a week until Nanowrimo which means I probably should not have signed up but what can I say? I'm a masochist. I really love bingos and I also think that the challenge will be good for me (even though last time I only finished 3 stories -.-)
My card tended to skew towards physical ailment prompts this round which is NOT my angst preference or strength so completing a blackout will, I think, be somewhat difficult but here it is:
Aging |
Voyeurism |
Bodyshare |
Outsiders |
Nausea |
Stranded |
Telepathy |
Holidays |
Disabled |
Physical imperfections |
Post-traumatic stress disorder |
Recovery |
Inanimate objects |
Assault |
Child abuse |
Murder (attempted or successful) |
Accidents |
Getting physical |
Pregnancy |
Marriage (arranged or otherwise) |
Sensory deprivation |
Chance encounters |
Hypothermia |
Dub-con |
I've got a few vague ideas to fill 'Aging' and 'Chance Encounters' with Inception, 'Nausea' 'Telepathy' 'Disabled' 'Pregnancy' and 'Sensory Deprivation' with XMFC but that feels like... idk a cop-out? Too easy/too obvious. I'm following so many different fandoms atm it's a bit of a clutter in my head.
Since this coincides with nano, I think I might do a few original fills, particularly 'Marriage' since that fits nicely with the nano story I intend to write.